Create Your Free eCommerce Mobile App in Minutes
Create a free eCommerce along with a free eCommerce Mobile App and start selling online through Binshops Panel.
Binshops builder system gives you the ability to build a totally free and a really native high performance eCommerce mobile application.
Let's give it a try!

A Quick Overview
Steps to Build A Free eCommerce App
- Prepare your eCommerce API
- Build the Mobile App in Binshops Panel
Prepare Your eCommerce API
Your mobile app is backed by the back-end API.
(1) If you do not already have the back-end:
- Download the eCommerce Back-end
- Install the back-end web app on your server (LAMP stack - prerequisites)
- You can install it like any other php application (on a shared host or a VPS - You can also install it in Docker environment)
- Unzip the package on your server and follow the installation steps
- If you need help, follow the following links for more details about the installation:
- How to Install PrestaShop
- Getting Started with PrestaShop
- Step-by-step guide for PrestaShop Installation
- Installing PrestaShop With Docker
- Need community help to install PrestaShop back-end? join the PrestaShop slack channel and get help.
- When you have a ready PrestaShop instance, then let's install the REST API.
- The REST API is open-source and is available on Github
- To install the REST API module, go to your Back-office-> Modules-> Upload module. Your API is ready! No additional configuration is required. Now, let's go to Binshops Panel to build the app.
(2) If you already have your PrestaShop website:
- If you already have your PrestaShop website, you just need to install the REST API module
If you already have a PrestaShop instance, you can easily go to the Panel and build the mobile app.
Build the Mobile App in Binshops Panel
Now that your back-end is ready, it's time to Create your application, let's do it.
- Log into the Binshops Panel
- Go to the mobile app section
- Fill in the required info (App Name, Website/Shop URL - URL must be publicly accessible)
- Create your APK or App Bundle (Wait for 4-5 minutes)
- Now, let's download the APK and try it out
- You can get the download link in your Panel, or through the email. An email containing the download link will be sent.
- Take attention that you can create unlimited free apps, but 3 times in a day
- The provided logo/icon in the build form will be used as the application's icon

Please let us know if you need help while building your app. You can submit a ticket through the panel and we will help you ASAP.
The Biggest Benefit with the Binshops App
The Binshops Mobile App is based on the popular and reliable platform, PrestaShop. Building on top of a popular platform is a big advantage. Extensibility, customizability, a great number of community developers and being a reliable solution for years are critical factors for choosing the right eCommerce platform.
The PrestaShop platform has a proven history in eCommerce ecosystem for 16 years and is used by 300,000 shops worldwide which is available in 60 different languages (Wiki).
How Your Mobile App Will Look Like?
Your application will have the main functionalities of an eCommerce Mobile App:
- Login
- Register
- Category Menu
- Product Categories
- Filtering
- Sorting
- Product Detail
- Product Variants and Combinations
- Cart Functionality
- Search Functionality
- Checkout Steps
- Shipping Options
- Addresses
- Checkout Review
- Payment Methods
- Customer Account
- Order History
- Order Details

How to Work With the Home Page of the App? (Home for the Free Version)
Once you installed the APK your home page will look like this:

All of the mobile application's data come from your server/shop, including the home page's data. The home page's content has 5 sections which can be managed through the PrestaShop back-office and modules. (In the Pro version you can fully customize the home page through the Elementor, read more)
(1) Shop Logo - the log that is uploaded in Theme & Logo section of the back-office will be used as app's logo.

(2) Image Slider - the image sliders can be managed through the native Image Slider module in back-office.

(3) Categories - Top level categories of the shop will be listed as thumbnails, you can manage categories in BO -> Catalog -> Categories.
(4) Popular Products/Feature Products - There is a module name Featured Products through which you can set a specific category to be shown on the home page.

(5) Banner - it can be also managed through the Banner module in BO.

How to Get the Application Bundle?
You can build your application bundle after your first build. Two options will be available in the build form and you can choose either APK or App Bundle.
Manage Your Shop and Your Mobile App
You can fully manage your shop through the back-office and the native modules that included in PrestaShop package.

This platform has everything we need to have for selling online, you can manage your Catalog and Products, receive Orders and checking Order details. When you add a product or edit a a product the changes will reflect on your mobile application immediately.

If you have any general question and need community help, you can also join the PrestaShop Slack channel and participate in discussions.
About the Binshops Free Mobile Application
This free eCommerce mobile application is a really Native Mobile Application that comes with a back-end. Binshops build system builds your native mobile app based on your build request each time (in average it take 4-5 minutes).
The back-end system is based on the PrestaShop eCommerce platform, and the only front-end API for PrestaShop. The REST API is a widely used solution for front-ends in PrestaShop, let's check the Binshops Postman.
Therefore, if you do not have a PrestaShop website, you can easily install it and set it up, but if you already have a PrestaShop website just go to the Binshops Panel and create your mobile app.
Does the Mobile Application Have Any Communication with Binshops Platform?
Not at all! Your mobile application communicates only with your shop (the provided URL while building the mobile app). Therefore, your mobile application does not connect to our servers and platform for any reason.
Pro version of the Binshops eCommerce Mobile Application
The Pro version includes a lot of fantastic features in addition to our team's support. Read more about the Binshops eCommerce Mobile App Pro version.